Location: Australia
Category: Offshore Windparks
A new substation has been built to help Rio Tinto increase production capacity and meet growing demand at the Cape Lambert iron ore mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Rio Tinto is a global leader in the exploration, mining and processing of minerals and metals, including aluminum, copper, diamonds, energy products, gold, industrial minerals and iron ore. The 220/132/32 kV Cape Lambert substation consists of AIS and GIS. The SF6 GIS double bus bar switchgear has 5 bays: 132/220 kV autotransformer (220 kV side), 220/33 kV transformer, bus coupler, YMPS 220 kV line, and a 220/33 kV transformer. Relion670 relays have been used as the protection equipment, including REC670, RET670, REL670.